Empowering You For Your Birthing Day and Postnatal Journey.



For The Love Of Birth is about empowering Mums to be and birth companions along their birthing and postnatal journey, using the skills and techniques that HypnoBirthing® and the support that a Postnatal Doula offers.

As a result of taking this HypnoBirthing course, you will both be mentally, physically and spiritually prepared for your pregnancy and your birthing day. The whole process becomes the most rewarding, exciting and empowering experience for both of you on this amazing journey to the next chapter of your lives.

When your baby arrives, as a Postnatal Doula my main purpose is to physically, mentally and emotionally support you, through every step of your 4th trimester and beyond. I am there for you, your partner and your family. I want to make your postnatal experience the most positive journey possible.

My name is Lia Petcu. I am a Certified Mongan Method HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator, Postnatal Doula, Coach and Mentor and also a Registered Veterinary Nurse.

I am a mum of 3 young kiddies all of which were beautiful HypnoBirthing® births. Two home-births, one in London and one in Dublin and one hospital birth. All three were completely different experiences but equally as incredible.

HypnoBirthing® had such a huge impact on changing the way my partner and I viewed our birthing day, especially for him! We’ve never looked back and are forever grateful to have HypnoBirthing® in our lives.

I am passionate about all things surrounding birthing and babies. Nothing makes me happier than educating people about everything that encompasses new life and then, completing the journey by fully supporting a family postnatally.

“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change “

~ Marie Mongan

Why Mongan Method HypnoBirthing®?

“The Original and Still the Best”

Mongan Method HypnoBirthing® is the leader and most comprehensive natural and instinctive birth education programme that exists. Founder Marie Mongan, perfected this course over 40 years and it is the longest standing HypnoBirthing® course available. It has, from the very beginning reached beyond simple relaxation and introduced some of the most advanced hypnosis techniques, relaxation scripts and visualisation techniques into the birthing classroom.

This course is a complete antenatal preparation and it is a tried and proven method with thousands of couples experiencing the benefits of safer, calmer, more comfortable birthing.

Taking HypnoBirthing®classes is strongly encouraged for the most optimal birthing experience. The course is taught over 5 X 2.5hr sessions (+30 min break ), usually over a 5 week period.

If you are close to your due date, we can arrange a course over a shorter duration of time. It is absolutely still worth doing, it’s never too late to take a course! Contact me and we can work out a timetable to suit your personal circumstances.
